What’s playing at the Roxy? I’ll tell ya what’s playing at the Roxy

I purchased a Chemex coffee maker about a week ago. It’s basically a large glass bauble. You put coffee and a filter in it, pour boiling water in, and watch your coffee drip through the specially constructed paper filter. It’s a meditative, mellow experience, at seven-thirty in the a.m., just watching your coffee drip drip drip through the Chemex, standing in your brown fuzzy slippers and dingy blue bathrobe, watching your coffee and watching the gray California morning sky, drip drip meditate drip.

As much church as I’m going to get, for the time being.

The weekend was lovely — we did a one-nighter to SF to visit a few folks and attend a birthday party. Alex is thin and brown, ready to do some modelling. Katie is as intense as ever. Sean is moody as ever, and still funny as hell.

Ambassador’s Day is playing San Francisco on August 12, 13 and 15, at the Roxy Film Center.

0 thoughts on “What’s playing at the Roxy? I’ll tell ya what’s playing at the Roxy

  1. And Susannah is as hurt and as bitter as ever that there wasn’t even a call while you were down here. Boo and fucking hoo.

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